Widya Fitriana  and Dian Hafizah


Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas Padang,

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas,

Corresponding author: widyafitriana66@gmail.com




The decreasing of constributions Agriculture sector to Regional Gross Domestic Product in West Sumatera for several years has force goverment to doing strategies diversification to solves this problem. One of strategy that could be chosen is by doing development in agritourism. Aims of the research are (1) to identify and to describe potential development of agritourism in west sumatera (by considering potention of natural resources, human reources, and heritage resources), (2) to identify and to describe potention of activity that could be create related to agritourism. This research using survey methode by observing all of agritourism location in West Sumatra. The result show us that there are seven type of agritourism that can be develope in West Sumatera which are (1) Plantation agritourism (2) holticulture agritourism (3) crops agritourism (4) husbandry agritourism (5) fishery agritourism (6) forrestry agritourism (7) Agroindustry agritourism and related to that, there are so many variety of potency activities that could be create to support development in agritourism such as families gathering/children playgroup, fotography, jogging track/bycyclinghorse riding, outbond, plant and harvest experience, traditional heritage attraction, enjoying ecsotic scenary, camping, bird watching etc. The opportunity of agritourism that already serve by nature should be develope and manage profesionally, so it can create adding value for agriculture bussiness itself. If all potention can develope well, it will be the new icon to encourage economic shifment in West Sumatera as precious comodity (mato galeh) in future.


Keyword: agritourism, potential development, regional economic growth


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