Muhammad Iqbal


Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS)

Jalan Ahmad Yani 70, Bogor 16161, West Java, Indonesia

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It is believed that small-scale farmer is one of essential components  in green economic development. In the case of Indonesia, there are approximately 14.25 million (55.33%) of farmers categorized as small-scale who have land tenure of less than 0.5 hectare averagely. Those farmers are necessarily empowered particularly towards green economic development. The study was conducted in December 2014 in two districts (Bandung and Garut) of  West Java  province. Three sub-districts were purposively selected representing typology of small-scale   farmers.  It was found that the empowerment of small-scale  farmers  should  be based on  its  typology  which  can  be clustered into three-group namely subsistence-oriented small-scale farmers, commercial small-scale farmers, and small-scale farmers in transition. Hence, it is recommended that the empowerment of subsistence typology focuses on optimizing the use of limited land size. Meanwhile, the empowerment of  commercial  typology is implemented  through fostering the commercialization benefited for small-scale farmers. Moreover, the core empowerment of transition typology is in the form of  improving  the  skill  capacity supporting  off-farm  agriculture.  Those should  be initially  started  from   capacity development through education and training both technical (farm operation) and non-technical (managerial) based  on green economic development context. Indeed, it is necessary to involve young generation in order to keep sustaining the transformation of green economic development in Indonesia.

Keywords: small-scale farmers, typology, empowerment, green economic development, Indonesia


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