Gusriati, Dang Sri Chairani, and Syamsuwirman
Lecturer of Agriculture Faculty of Ekasakti University, Veteran Dalam Street No. 26 B Padang, phone number: 085356792985,
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The general objective of this research is to develop the strategy for the fulfillment of nutrient consumption members of poor households in rural areas in order to increase the level of nutrient consumption of household and nutritional status of children, specifically aims to prove whether the increased knowledge and skills of mothers about nutrition by using the method of assistance started from planning the type of food consumed, amount, processing and serving method can increase the level of nutrient consumption and nutritional status of children families. Besides that, analyzing the adaptations behavior made by the household when there is a lack of nutrient consumption and found the strategy to fulfill nutrient consumption of poor rural households. The results of this study are useful for various departments and instances in order to fulfill the household food consumption and improve nutritional status of children. This research is also important for the future development of human resources. This research is a pilot study with the development approach and the data were analyzed descriptively. The research was conducted in Padang Pariaman district in two sub-districts, namely sub-districts 2 x 11 Kayu Tanam and sub- district Sunur at poor farmer households by sample collection method purposively. Primary data is collected by using interviews, direct observation to the location, expert discussion and forum group discussion. The results show that increased knowledge and skills of mothers by using assistance method started from planning of food that will be consumed until the serving method could increase the level of nutrient consumption of households, especially for energy nutrients, and vitamin C. The adaptation way made by the household if there is a lack of food are by reducing the expenditure of food and utilize plants at the ground. By using the assistance method can improve decision making in the fulfillment of nutrient consumption of households from 40.0% before the test became 82.5% after the test.
Keywords: trial, the level of food consumption, poor households, the nutritional status of children, and assisting.
Zaituni Udin, Ferdinal Rahim, Hendri and Yulia Yellita
Faculty of Animal Science of Andalas University, Padang
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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the success rate of artificial insemination in West Sumatera. The number of cows used 162 cows of four artificial insemination centre with four different parity from zero parity to parity 5th parity and frozen semen was used of four different bull. Feed similarly kept in four AI centre and data was analyzed by ANOVA of factorial of RBD. Result of this research showed that interaction between time of insemination, breed and parity were no significant different (P>0.05) on conception rate. On the contrary, there were significant different (P<0.05) on conception rate by time of insemination. The highest conception rate founded at the end of estrus 13 – 18 h (68.91 %). Local cow (71.82), third parity (59.00 %). It was concluded that the effects, time of insemination might be the important factor to get the highest conception rate of the cows. So it may be suggested that to get highest of conception rate, should inseminated the cows at the end of estrus 13 – 18 h in parity -3 and local cows was higher conception rate than the crossbred cows.
Keyword: Conception rate, Parity, Local, Crossbred, Artificial insemination
Roza Yulida, Jum’atri Yusri and Novia Dewi
Agribusiness Department, Riau University
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Pineapple is one of excellent commodity in Kampar district, with area is 1450 hectares, production 12,750 tons from 16.53 million pineapple trees. The purpose of study to determine the efficiency of marketing of pineapple and the factors will be affecting the farmer’s chance in selecting the institutional of marketing. 35 farmers are the respondent in this study. Logit model applied to determine the efficiency of the marketing of pineapple and simple linear regression model was used to determine the factors that affect the chances of farmers in selecting the institutional of marketing. The result showed (1) The Marketing of pineapple is not efficient yet, the rate of price changes at the farm level is smaller than the rate of change of the price at the merchant level. (2) The factor of pineapple price, production, education, income, and market information have positive influenced to the farmer’s opportunity to choose the institutional of marketing pineapple. The implications of the research shows (1) the strength of oligopsony, so the rising price is only enjoyed by traders. (2) If the price, production, income and market information are higher, the chances of farmers in selecting the institutional of marketing of pineapples will be better too.
Keyword: efficiency, institutional marketing, pineapple
Lecturer of Economic Faculty at Jambi University
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This study is the multicases study (survey and case study) that aimed to identify the model of partnership in plantation in Jambi province. Analysis was performed on a variety of partnership executed, rules, interactions, benefits, constraints and problems in each partnership. It also conducted an analysis of the various factors supporting the formulation of effective partnerships especially in plantation covering institutional role of farmers and government policy on partnerships. There are three models of partnership that exists in the plantations in Jambi province that includes: PIR-Trans partnership, the KKPA partnership and the PIR Plantation Revitalization partnership. PIR Trans partnership is built based on the Inpres no. 1/1986 which explains that the PIR project is PIR project associated with transmigration program. While KPPA partnership model is based on a joint decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Cooperatives and Small Business Development No.73/Kpts/KB.510/2/1998 and No. 01/SKB/M/11/98. In partnership run through the provision of financing facilities provided by the government in the form of loans to cooperatives in this primary cooperatives to their members. While Plantation Revitalization partnership model builds upon the agricultural policy in 2006, and Minister of Finance policy No. 117/2006. Partnership associated with plantation revitalization program, as well as KKPA model where land is also from the community by utilizing the credit facility. The third model is formal partnership where the rules in run partnership set out in a written contract in the form of a cooperative agreement. Generally, partnership has benefited the majority of farmers that include increased income, price certainty and transfer of technology. At an analysis of the institution, especially for farmer groups showed yet the role of institutional effectiveness of partnerships in promoting farmers have played. It is not in spite of the limited assistance and guidance provided by the government against the existing farmers' institutions. Government programs so far have not been able to encourage the development of the plantation business partnership program.
Keywords: partnerships, estates, institutional and policy