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- Annisa
- Akhis Soleh Ismail
- Fransiska Angelina R
- Prof. Dr. Sc. Agr. Ir. Jamsari, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Mardiati Zain, M.S
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Maria Endo Mahata,MS
- Smart Search
- Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir. Jafril Tanjung, MT
- Modern Language Degrees
- Geography
- Proponents say Everyday Math adds up, though some don't understand how
- Typography
- Bonus pages
- Struktur Organisasi
- Pelantikan dan Pengambilan Sumpah Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur
- Zurmiati
- Content
- Custom HTML Module
- Arif Kurnia
- Latest Articles Module
- Arif Juliari K
- Hamid Ar'rum Harahap
- Prof.Dr.Ir.Yonariza, M.Sc
- The Joomla! Project
- Prof. Ir. Elsa Eka Putri, S.T., M.Sc(Eng), Ph.D
- Social Science Degrees
- Humanities
- Forget about the mandate. Let’s fix health care
- Exploring music: the baroque (short course)
- Leave Your Legacy
- Violet theme
- About T3 Framework
- Tugas Pokok & Fungsi
- Profil Perpustakaan Universitas Andalas
- Yurike
- Feed Display
- Arif Sabta Aji
- Ayu Novita Trisnawati
- Liza Aulia Yusfi
- Prof.Dr.Wizna,M.S
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Rendy Thamrin, ST., MT
- Media Studies Degrees
- Officer
- Creative essay challenge inspires College community
- Scientists Probe Lithium-Sulfur Batteries in Real Time
- Master of Social Work Information Session
- Teal theme
- Universitas Andalas
- Dr.Ir.Eri Gas Ekaputra,M.S
- Zulkifli
- Siti Nur Aisyah
- Arniati Labanni'
- News Flash
- Bayu Afnovandra Perdana
- Rani Winardi Wulan Sari
- Dr Eng Jon Affi, ST. MT
- Colleen Zajac
- Engineering Management Degrees
- Finance
- Good marks for mentoring program aimed at reducing violence
- History and Memory Welcome and Introduction
- A Modern View of Liberalism
- Purple theme
- International Conference On Sustainable Future For Human Security
- Rahmad Fani
- How to create the 2 columns layout: Content + Sidebar
- Azhary Noersidiq
- Ezi Masdia Putri
- Random Image Module
- Sarifatul Maulidia YZ
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Gunawarman, MT
- Courtney Cubrich
- Computer Science Degrees
- Technology
- Upcoming Orientation Day. Let's welcome new students
- Special Relativity
- The University of Melbourne Orchestra
- Grey theme
- Sustain Conference : 7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security
- Afdinal
- Heni Suryani
- Dian Juliadmi
- Fadli
- Wulandari
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hairul Abral
- Spider-Sense! A Scavenger Hunt
- Anton Jensen
- Chemistry Degrees
- Economics
- Rebuilding Japan | Special Series on Post-Disaster Japan
- Knowledge through Print: a Melbourne Perspective
- How to create the 3 columns layout: Sidebar + Content + Sidebar
- Hutan Sumbar Proyek Restorasi
- Helda Riza
- Article Categories Module
- Fadhila Utari
- Malik Makmur
- Syndicate Module
- Upgraders
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Muhammad Ilhamdi Rusydi, S.T., M.T.
- Hats Off to Your Discovery Room
- Kaitie Leslie
- Engineering Degrees
- Accounting
- America, Prolepsis and the 'Holy Land'
- Adventures on the dark side
- Iron theme
- Wisuda IV Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas Tahun 2017
- Elly Syafriani
- Fadli Hafizulhaq
- Neny Sandrawati
- Prof. Ir. Refdinal Nazir, Ph.D
- From Austen to Zola: Amy Lowell as a Collector
- Business Degrees
- Management
- Baccalaureate Ceremony 2012
- Global equality in infectious diseases control
- Green theme
- What a wonderful INRM
- Reza
- Abdul Mutolib
- Faradila
- How to create the 2 columns layout: Sidebar + Content
- Raudhatul Fatiah
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Santosa, MP
- Biology Degrees
- Rethinking Israeli Identity
- Health Workforce Australia's International Health Program
- Brown theme
- Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Andalas
- Febry Kurniawan
- Full width layout
- Sry Wahyuni
- Prof. Ir. Yonariza, MSc, PhD
- Blue theme
- Maspendra
- Fenky Marsandi
- Yudha Endra Pratama
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudi Febriamansyah, M.Sc
- About JA University
- Erdawati
- Hidayatul Fajri MS
- Prof.Dr.Yetti Marlida,MS
- Introducing K2
- Ibtisamatul Aminah
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirnawati, MS
- Themes
- Doti Ariani, SKM, MM
- Ilona Bella
- Prof. Dr. Mardiati Zain, MS
- Navigations
- Khoiriah
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Irfan Suliansyah, MS
- Template features
- Yudi
- Lili Anggraini
- Prof. Dr. Ferra Yanuar, M.Sc
- Error page
- Melbi Mahardika
- Prof.Dr. Novesar Jamarun, MS
- Joomla! pages
- Ratono
- Mochamad Asrofi
- Prof. Dr. Rahmayeni, MSi
- Page offline
- Muh. Ade Artasasta
- Prof. Dr. Deswati, MS
- Welcome to JA University
- Elvi Yulia Santi
- Nuzul Ficky Nuswantoro
- Dr. Henny Herwina
- Reza Audina Putri
- Prof. Dr. Erizal Mukhtar, MSc
- Silvy Arundita
- Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, MS.MSc
- Syahru Ramadhan
- Prof. Ir. Jamsari, MP
- Herniwati,A.Md
- Syiffa Fauzia
- dr. Ilmiawati, Ph.D
- Fitri Yenti,SE
- Tia Okselni
- Prof. dr. Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto, MMedSci, PhD, SpGK(K)
- Prof. Dr. Kurnia Warman, Sh., M.Hum
- Yelna Derjunita
- Tio Putra Wendari
- Prof. Dr. apt. Dian Handayani
- Ulvi Fitri Handayani
- Dr.apt. Friardi Ismed
- Zurniyanti, ST., M.Si
- Vabera Maslami
- Prof. Dr. apt. drs. Yufri Aldi, M.Si
- Andrafias, S.Kom, M.Si
- Wingki Ari Angga
- Prof.Dr.Ratni Prima Lita, SE, MM
- Yasir Amrulloh
- Prof.Donard Games, SE, M.Bus (Adv), PhD
- Yelsi Listiana Dewi
- Prof.Dr. Harif Amali Rivai., S.E., M.Si
- Satriadi Yusri
- Yusuf Mahlil
- Eka Nurmala
- Saiful
- Zandri
- Nila Handayani
- Yusnawati