

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
22 Desember 2016



Khandra Fahmy and Julhami Yose


Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Kampus Limau Manis Padang-25163, Indonesia

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Fresh fruits and vegetables is a sub-sector of agricultural that gets attentions of the world community, including Indonesia in the last decade. This is not free from public awareness of the benefits for health owing to their nutritional values. However, they are very perishable and deteriorated easily after harvest. Therefore, the appropriate ways of handling and technologies for maintaining freshness of the products are necessary to minimize loss of the yield and to extend the trading area. Celery is a perishable product and deteriorated easily after harvest. The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of celery by using hydrocooling method in order to reduce quality loss during storage. Celery was packaged in polyethylene film and put into the water at temperature 10°C and 27°C (room temperature). Another samples were also stored without packaging and hydrocooling as control. The weight loss, water content, chlorophyll, water activity and gas concentration change inside package were evaluated during storage. The results show that the weight of celery increased on the product stored with hydrocooling method, while for control product, the weight of product decreased during period of storage. the water content and water activity of celery was higher on the product stored at 10°C compared with room temperature and control. For celery hydrocooled at 10°C suppressed the degradation of chlorophyll compared with hydrocooling at room temperature and control.The gas concentration inside packaging changed drastically on the celery hydrocooled at room temperature and control, while on the celery hydrocooled at 10°C gas concentration changed gradually. Based on our observation, the quality parameter of celery could observed until day 21 on the celery hydrocooling at 10°C. It indicates that hydrocooling of celery at temperature 10°C could extend the shef-life of product compared with room temperature.


Keywords: celery, hydrocooling, quality, shelf life


22 Desember 2016



Latifa Siswati, Rini Nizar and Amalia

Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture UNILAK

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Sungai Mempura District of Mempura Siak set as the top model in the Rural Development Program/Sub. This program is a collaboration UNILAK with the Siak Regency. Menpura region is being launched into ecotourism is based ecological tourist area which includes having an element of nature itself and the surrounding communities a good social life, culture, and history has. The objective of this research activity is to analyze aspects of supporting the development of eco-tourism and analyze its impact on the economic benefits that will be accepted by the community, district and village governments Sei. Mempura District of Mempura Siak. The method used is a survey method. The data collected are classified into primary data and secondary data. The population in this study is the overall sample taken with purposive sampling cluster sampling method to classify samples according to the research objectives  in  the cluster is  then taken  after the sample  was  taken  by purposive. The analysis technique used is descriptive research which will be created picture of systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties of local population in the village ecotourism Sungai Mempura. Characteristics of ecotourism in the area of  visitors Sungai Menpura Siak District of Menpura majority of men, to the age of 13-18 years in which most visitors at school age, the average destination they visit in order to learn schoolwork Malay culture and history. In addition, visitors also come from local tourists, foreign tourists, namely Malaysia and Singapore, from Siak district government officials in the context of a pilgrimage to the tomb of the King family Siak contained in ecotourism locations. Aspects of supporting an element greatest tourist potential is an element of social history and culture, where visitors usually come to visit the tomb of the royal family reasons and then also to know the history of work siak. Besides the ecological aspects in the form of state of the environment is still beautiful look of the flora and fauna of the river also is also an attraction for visitors. From the descriptive analysis of potential travel element and the element deals in the form of sustainable ecotourism that support the conservation of nature and value added is adequate, while economically to residents around the site are some home made homestays for visitors where the inhabitants receive homestay rent and providing food for visitors.


Keywords: ecotourism, tourists


22 Desember 2016



Muhammad Iqbal


Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS)

Jalan Ahmad Yani 70, Bogor 16161, West Java, Indonesia

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It is believed that small-scale farmer is one of essential components  in green economic development. In the case of Indonesia, there are approximately 14.25 million (55.33%) of farmers categorized as small-scale who have land tenure of less than 0.5 hectare averagely. Those farmers are necessarily empowered particularly towards green economic development. The study was conducted in December 2014 in two districts (Bandung and Garut) of  West Java  province. Three sub-districts were purposively selected representing typology of small-scale   farmers.  It was found that the empowerment of small-scale  farmers  should  be based on  its  typology  which  can  be clustered into three-group namely subsistence-oriented small-scale farmers, commercial small-scale farmers, and small-scale farmers in transition. Hence, it is recommended that the empowerment of subsistence typology focuses on optimizing the use of limited land size. Meanwhile, the empowerment of  commercial  typology is implemented  through fostering the commercialization benefited for small-scale farmers. Moreover, the core empowerment of transition typology is in the form of  improving  the  skill  capacity supporting  off-farm  agriculture.  Those should  be initially  started  from   capacity development through education and training both technical (farm operation) and non-technical (managerial) based  on green economic development context. Indeed, it is necessary to involve young generation in order to keep sustaining the transformation of green economic development in Indonesia.

Keywords: small-scale farmers, typology, empowerment, green economic development, Indonesia


22 Desember 2016



Wartiniyati 1,2, Sutrisno Anggoro3, Budi Hendrarto3 and Henna Rya Sunoko4


1Graduate Program on Environmental Science, Diponegoro University Semarang50241 Indonesia

2District Health Office Mempawah West Kalimantan

3Departemen of Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro UniversitySemarang 50241 Indonesia

4Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50241, Indonesia

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14 hectare landfill expansion in productive palm plantations pose a threat to the environment, with the first construction area of 4 hectares entirely environmental problems have not been optimal. The research objective to analyze the characteristics, the concentration of leachate in the landfill, as well as forecast the distribution of impacts based on the ebb and flow velocity Results of research on the quality of leachate is more than the limit specified under Regulation 82 of 2013. Biota water and pressure changes caused leachate concentrations relatively poor. Acus Synedra plankton distribution groups and Nitzchia palaea commonly found when tides dry,While Nitzchia palaea and Nitzchia curvula in pairs rainy. The discovery of organisms oligosaprobic and α -mesosaprobic shows the leachate polluted condition of mild to severe. Distribution deployment with the material impact of sediment and plankton drifting tide reaches 103.680 meters dry, wet tide 136.020 meters, 35.640 meters dry ebb, ebb rainy 74.520 meters at point 2 pairs of dry 1.Titik 64800 meter, plug the rainy 132.840 meters, 32.400 meters drought recede , receding rainy 38.880 meters.Need manufacture WWTP, and continuous monitoring of the quality of leachate.

Keywords: leachate, saprobic, distribution, ups and downs.