

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
17 October 2016

Mata Kuliah : Philosophy of Sciens and Research Methodology


Hari / Tanggal




Jumlah Mahasiswa


Sabtu / 24 September 2016


Prof.Dr. Afrizal, MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 1 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Afrizal, MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 8 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Afrizal, MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 15 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Afrizal, MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 22 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Nusyirwan Effendi

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 29 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Nusyirwan Effendi

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 05 November 2016


Prof.Dr.Nusyirwan Effendi

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2




Mata Kuliah : Theory and Concepts of Sustainable Development


Hari / Tanggal




Jumlah Mahasiswa


Sabtu / 24 September 2016

11.00– 13.30

Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 1 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Rudi Febriamansyah, M.Sc

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 8 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Karimi, SE,MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 15 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Nusyirwan Effendi

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 22 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Melinda Noer, M.Sc

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 29 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Helmi, M.Sc

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Sabtu / 05 November 2016


Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Karimi, SE,MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Mata Kuliah : Capita Selecta


Hari / Tanggal




Jumlah Mahasiswa


Minggu / 25 September 2016


Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Karimi, SE,MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 2 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Nusyirwan Effendi

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 9 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Rudi Febriamansyah, M.Sc

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 16 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr.Melinda Noer, M.Sc

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 23 Oktober 2016


Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 30 Oktober 2016


Prof.Dr. Syafruddin Karimi, SE,MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



Minggu / 6 November 2016


Prof.Dr. Afrizal, MA

R.Rapat Pimpinan Lt.2



17 October 2016

Brief description of the content of materials and teaching methods of the Constitutional Court in the Doctorate Program of Development Studies expressed in the form of synopsis as follows:

A) Concepts and Principles of Sustainable Development : The social, economic and technological conditions of the world have changed dramatically over the last hundred years. However, the development of the level of life in many countries, the growth of multinational enterprises that continue to penetrate in all aspects of production and consumption, has come down and play a role in the decline of natural resources and environmental conditions. Since four or five decades many development experts have warned against the negative impacts of such rapid economic and technological growth, in general, they propose the "Green economy" paradigm and lead to a more creative and innovative change of development professionalism in various aspects of the economy development. The paradigm of sustainable development becomes a pattern in developing resources for future development that is more friendly to resources and environment, both social and ecosystem environments.

This course is designed to provide a strong foundation for equivalent Doctoral researchers to better understand and believe in the concept of "sustainable development". The material discussed is not only theoretical about the main conceptions, principles and sustainable development practices, but also builds a more strategic analytical framework in assessing the economic, social and environmental aspects holistically in all areas / sectors of development. This course also addresses macro issues at the international level, especially in terms of the impact of globalization and the roles of the private sector (national and multinational) and NGOs.

B) Philosophy of Science : In this course we will examine the basic concepts of philosophy of science, position, focus, scope, purpose and function as well as its relation to the competence of study program in producing scientific work in the form of dissertation. Next is also discussed about the characteristics of philosophy, science and education as well as the functional fabric between science, philosophy and religion. Further discussed systematics, problems, diversity approach and paradigm (mindset) in the assessment and development of science and ontological, epistemological and axiological dimensions. Further examined the meaning, implication and implementation of philosophy of science as a foundation in the framework of scientific and educational development with the use of alternative research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative approach, as well as a combination of both.

C) Capita Selecta

This course is given in an effort to give space for students to understand and explore the problems of the research topic that will be his dissertation. The learning process is done in the form of tutorials where students are asked to do independent work reviewing scientific articles related to their research topics (minimum of 5 articles per week). Then, present the results of the review of the article every week of the meeting, facilitated by the lecturer, so that at the end of the session, students can formulate a "state of the art" from their dissertation plan

D) Academic Writing

This course provides an understanding to students about how to write appropriate scientific articles to be published in qualified international journals. Start with how to trace the sources of reading that are appropriate to be used as references, as well as how to do good quotes and paraphrase in scientific writing. Students are equipped with an understanding of the reference system using Mendeley software, as well as techniques in the use of word processors in the preparation of systematic and efficient scientific manuscripts. Students are asked to make their own articles based on the results of previous studies, as practical material during the lecture period.

17 October 2016

Based on the current regulations of higher eduation in Indonesia, the Doctoral degree in Development studies (PDSP) follows the Semester Credit System on his curriculum. The study load for this program must be met at least 42 credits, especially for students who already have a Master’s Degree or equivalent in relevant disciplines.

Referring to Academic Regulation of Andalas University No.3 year 2016, the education program at PDSP is aimed to produce quality dissertation through more intensive research compared to the lecture load. The following description describes the PDSP curriculum which shows the study load in each semester.

Semester I: three compulsary and one elective subjects = 12 credits

(a) three compulsary subjects = 9 credits

  1. Philosophy of Science (3 cr)
  2. Concepts of Sustainable Development (3 cr)
  3. Capita Selecta (3 cr)

(b) one elective subject = 3 credits

  1. Academic writing (3 cr)
  2. Special topic I (3 cr) *)

Semester II: one compulsary and two elective subjects = 4 credits

(a) one compulsary subjects = 1 credit

  1. Colloquium of research proposal (1 cr)
  2. Preliminary or PhD Qualification Exam (0 cr)

(b) one elective subjects = 3 credits

  1. Special topic II (3 cr)
  2. Elective subject from Master degree courses (3 cr) **)

Semester III-VI: minimum of 28 credits

(a) six compulsary subjects = 28 credit

  1. Progress Report I (3 cr) ***)
  2. Progress Report II (3 cr)
  3. Progress Report III (3 cr)
  4. Progress Report IV (3 cr)
  5. Seminar of Dissertation (1 cr)
  6. Dissertation (15 cr)

(b) two elective subjects

  1. National Conference (2 cr)
  2. International Conference (4 cr)

Note :

*) Academic activities in the form of Special Topics (Directed Independent Study) is an unstructured lecture activity, where the students are given a task by the Promoter Team to perform independent activities, either in terms of literature study or or preliminary research activity related to the dissertation research topic which is equivalent to study load of 3 credits. In the period of one semester of the Special Topics, students are required to meet with their promoters for 8 (eight) meetings. The final result of this Special Topic should be one paper presented and reviewed by the Promoter Team in the Colloquium Series of Doctor Program forum.

**) Elective subjects are course subjects can be taken from courses offered in the postgraduate program either in the master program or in doctoral programs in Andalas University or in other universities in the form of credit transfer.

***) Research activities are conducted every semester to produce scientific works in the form of progress reports assessed by the promoter team at the end of each semester in the discussion forum of the promoter's team, which also gives an assessment of the national and international seminar paper produced:

  • Progress Report I and II, at least in the form of publishing articles in unaccredited national journals or papers on local seminars, each equivalent to 3 credits
  • Progress Report III and IV, at least in the form of publication of an international journal article and an accredited national journal article, or both international journals articles or accredited national journal articles, each equivalent to 3 credits
  • Scientific work related to dissertation research presented at a national seminar outside the province is equivalent to 2 credits, whereas if presented at an international seminar abroad is equivalent to 4 credits.
  • The dissertation of 15 credits is given after the students have passed the final examination, covering the whole process from the writing of the proposal, the research of data collection and its processing, and the writing of the dissertation itself.