

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
04 October 2016

Hasil validasi Pascasarjana untuk data mahasiswa Program Doktor (S3) angkatan tahun 2013 yang masih aktif studi dan melakukan penelitian serta tetap mengunggah laporan kemajuan studi, yang direkomendasikan sebagai penerima bantuan perpanjangan studi Program Doktor (S3) angkatan 2013 semester ke 7 tahun anggaran 2016 adalah sebagai berikut :




  Program Studi

 Perguruan Tinggi Asal






Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Cikarang




Sandra Melly

Ilmu Pertanian

Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuuh





Ilmu Pertanian

Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi




29 September 2016

Berikut Form-Form Akademik Program Pascasarjana yang dapat digunakan oleh Mahasiswa S2/S3 untuk proses administrasi perkuliahan :

1. Form Izin Penelitian (Download)
2. Form Izin Pra Penelitian (Download)
3. Form Permohonan BSS (Download)
4. Form Surat Keterangan Aktif Kuliah (Download)
5. Form Surat Keterangan Lulus (Download)
6. Form Undangan Kolokium S2 (Download)
7. Form Undangan Kolokium S3 (Download)
8. Form Undangan Prelim S3 (Download)
9. Form Undangan Seminar Hasil Penelitian S2     (Download)
10. Form Undangan Seminar Hasil Penelitian S3 (Download)
11. Form Undangan Sidang Komisi (Download)
12. Form Undangan Sidang Terbuka S3 (Download)
13. Form Undangan Sidang Tertutup S3 (Download)
14. Form Undangan Ujian Akhir S2 (Download)
15. Form Form Undangan Ujian Verifikasi Disertasi (Download)
16. Form Kesediaan Calon Promotor S3 (Download)


The complexity problems of housing and settlement development is increasingly diverse, marked by the existence of slum areas in cities or even in rural areas. Some of the causes of these problem are: low competence of human resources regarding the implementation of housing and settlements programs; low community capacity in environmental management; lack of comprehensive understanding of stakeholders for joint action in the field of housing and settlement according to the mandate of the Law.

Republic of Indonesia Law No. 1/2011 concerning housing and settlement areaAREA states that the implementation of housing and residential areas consist of planning, development, utilization and control activities, must include the development of institutions, funding and financing systems, and the role of coordinated and integrated communities. All of the above aspects involve many institutions and communities in order to make the implementation process of the program suitable with the standards to achieve goals and benefits.

The Master degree program in Housing and Settlement Development at Andalas University was formed in 2009, and this is the first Master degree in this field in Indonesia. The study program initially received support from infrastructure, programs and lecturers from the Ministry of Public Housing.  Future cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works will be developed; as well as with the Ministry of transmigration and Labor; Bappenas; and Provincial, Regency and City Governments; and with the private sectors.

  1. About

Natural resource management has complex problems and are a concerned issue of various interests at local, national and international levels. For local people, natural resources are an important source of living, while at the same time, national governments are also looking at and using natural resources to gain foreign exchange for the country, national economic development, and support increasing demand for population growth. Meanwhile, the international community wants to conserve biodiversity in various places. These conflicting interests have been largely accelerating the depletion of natural resources. In Indonesia, forest resources, for example, are experiencing systematic deforestation due to oil palm plantations and pulp and paper industries. Increased external demand for palm oil, pulp and paper supported by export-oriented government development policies has led to rapid deforestation in Indonesia.

The complexity of natural resource management does not only happen in Indonesia alone, it happens everywhere, especially in Asia. The problem of resource management complexity is also determined by the fact that individual actors and sectors use resources arbitrarily. There is no evidence of integration of natural resource management among actors and sectors and between different levels of interests. It is clear that, in the last decade sector-based approaches have limited applications for sustainable natural resource management. In the meantime, communities do various ways to overcome life. Local survival strategies imply to look at different perspectives in natural resource management. This evidence clearly requires an integrated management of resources through an interdisciplinary approach.

Universities as one of the key actors in resource management also need to adjust and develop their capabilities under the complexity of that problems. To date, the 'hard science' comprising natural resource management such as terrestrial ecology, soil science, botany, geography and mainstream social sciences is abundant, the integration of several disciplines into academic departments has only been achieved at higher degree levels in some institutions in the world. The field of Natural Resource Management in Asia, as worldwide, grows and has excellent future opportunities to contribute to sustainable development. The basic feature of NRM as a science is its interdisciplinary, integrating several independent sciences: physics, spatial science, political science, and social sciences.

Master Degree program in Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) at the Andalas University has entered the age of 8-years since the issuance of Decree No. DIKTI. 1623/D/T/2007 dated on July 6, 2007. Previously, in the period 2004-2007 this study is one of concentration in the Master Degree Program of Regional and Rural Development. The Master Degree program in INRM is one of the multidisciplinary studies at the Andalas University Postgraduate Program. Multidisciplinary means that various disciplines are discussed in this study because the nature and the environment are not enough to be discussed only with one discipline, considering the complex nature of social, economic, and ecological relationships in the real world.

This master degree program has obtained the “B” National Accreditation in Year of 2014 based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) No.183/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VI/2014,