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29 September 2016

The increasingly complex environmental problems have increased the need for human resources that able to analyze those problems in interdisciplinary perspectives. Master Degree Program in Environmental Science (PSIL) at Andalas University was established in 2002 based on the Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education no. 3203/D/T 2002, dated on 22 October 2002. This study program is an interdisciplinary study programs that integrating several fields of science, such as natural sciences and socio-economic science of natural resource management. Therefore, the human resources and infrastructure of this study program use the resources available in various faculties at Andalas University.

A. About

Core Sciences offered by the Master Degree Program in Regional and Rural Development is the development of inclusive villages based on planning and territorial intervention by local residents with local resource capital and for local people. The territory's wealth is for its citizens. The interaction with the outside world of the territory is endeavored for minimal leakage of territory's wealth and profitable exchanges.

Territory resources are not only natural and human but also cultural. The village is more than just agriculture. All sectors of the economy can be turned to complement each other to improve the lives of citizens with minimal leakage of territorial wealth.

To be inclusive, territorial development should be broad based approaches, by not leaving one in the territory. Technical, administrative, sociological, anthropological, economic, and cultural challenges and constraints are here. Researches of this Master degree program should recognize these challenges and constraints and seek to develop a perspective science to overcome them all. Such challenges to be answered by this study program, are:

  • How should development be planned and managed with reference to the concept of inclusive rural development?
  • How to make rural development not only accommodate the interests of the rural elites (inside or outside rural territory)?
  • How can local capacity be developed?
  • What should be done at macro level (laws and policies), meso (organizations and local institutions) and micro (households and individuals) in this capacity building efforts?
  • How can social capital be developed? What is the role of organizing and leadership in this matter?
  • What social protection and what mechanisms must exist to address the risks faced by citizens and citizen business networks in their territories?
  • What does the organization of government agencies and agency capacities align with a development approach that implies inclusive rural development, which is requiring collaboration with citizens and among citizens?

Rural development should be an intervention-based on discursive awareness, not merely on instrumental and speculative instrumental awareness. Therefore, Master degree program in Regional and Rural Development at Andalas University is designed to foster graduates awareness about rural social issues through development studies so that they are informed and able to take a positive role in regional and rural development.

One of development issues (in urban and rural areas) that is very strategic today, is how to accomplish the quality of society that has the characteristics of “madani”, independent, dignified, communicative, self-help (swadaya), and always develop/ increase capacity of self, towards socio-economic prosperity.

A number of studies have shown that development objectives will be achieved optimally, if there is a community participation in each development activities, where those communities used to take the available opportunities to improve the quality of their life and their environment. However, participation does not always arise spontaneously, because empirical data indicate that the community needs to have experience in a learning process, which aims to increase knowledge and capabilities/ skills and the growth of community motivation to be and willing to take advantage of the available opportunities (Slamet, 1992).

All of the above discourse is the scope of extension function and development communication, and the science required to carry out that function is the SCIENCE OF EXTENSION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION.

29 September 2016

The development of biotechnology on a global scale shows a sensational improvement. The contributions to cover various aspects in the field of human life ranging from industry, healthcare, agriculture, animal husbandry, pharmacy, even anthropological and criminal societies. In the industrial sector, biotechnology has been able to show a real contribution in the creation of biological-based industrial activities or known as bioindustry and the creation of new types of employment. In 2001 bioindustry was able to provide a profit of US$ 34.8 billion. Unfortunately 97% of these benefits are only own by three major countries namely the United States, Canada and Europe.

In Indonesia, especially West Sumatera Province has abundant natural resources, especially biodiversity of flora and fauna. Where Indonesia occupies the richest number two in the world after Brazil, coupled with a large population, Indonesia actually has potential to exploit biotechnological advancements to prosper its society.

For that reason, it is necessary to strengthen the understanding in the form of education that specifically explore biotechnology, both in scientific techniques, and the development of contributions and innovations to use biotechnology in various aspects of life for the welfare of mankind. Biotechnology is a collection of diverse areas of expertise, namely: biochemistry, microbiology, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, embryology, immunology, reproductive biology and computer experts. All those who master in the fields of science must work in a team. Thus, biotechnology activities can be done to add value to industries that have made use of biotechnology. Based on that thought, it is fitting that Andalas University with its motto "Untuk Kedjajaan Bangsa (for the glory of nation) " takes an important role in the nation's development in education to develop understanding and application of biotechnology.