

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
14 June 2016

Berhubung masa pengusulan persyaratan BEASISWA BUDI-DN paling lambat tanggal 31 juli 2016, maka penerimaan mahasiswa baru gelombang II Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas diperpanjang sampai tanggal 1 Juli 2016.

Adapun Jadwal lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Pendaftaran sampai tanggal 1 Juli 2016
  2. Ujian TPA dan TOEFL, tanggal 16 Juli 2016 pukul 08.00-10.00 dan 10.30-12.30 WIB, bertempat di UPT Bahasa Kampus Unand Limau Manis
  3. Batas akhir penyerahan berkas ke Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Gedung Rektorat Lt.1 tanggal 12 Juli 2016
  4. Ujian wawancara tanggal 16-18 Juli 2016 (menyesuaikan dengan jadwal yang disusun oleh masing-masing prodi)
  5. Pengumuman LULUS tanggal 22 Juli 2016

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Demikian Pengumuman ini dibuat untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Terima kasih

Sehubungan dengan dilakukannya rapat tentang Penetapan Hasil PMB Pascasarjana pada 25 Mei 2016 dan telah ditetapkannya calon Mahasiswa baru Program Pascasarjana oleh Fakultas masing-masing. Bagi calon mahasiswa yang dinyatakan lulus dapat membaca pengumuman disini dan mekanisme pendaftaran ulang disini.

Calon mahasiswa diharapkan dapat membaca mekanisme tersebut dengan baik dan hati-hati. Tanggal-tanggal penting harus dicatat agar tidak salah. Secara umum, tahapan pendaftaran ulang calon mahasiswa Baru Program Pascasarjana adalah:

  • Pembayaran Biaya Pendidikan Bank Syariah Mandiri (30 Mei – 03 Juni),
  • Mengisi biodata pada (30 Mei – 03 Juni),
  • Penyerahan Berkas Ke bagian Akademik Program Pascasarjana dan Masing-masing Fakultas sebagai berikut  :
  1. Fotocopy Bukti pembayaran biaya pendidikan;
  2. Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip yang di legalisir (masing-masing 1 rangkap) dengan melihatkan aslinya
29 September 2016
  • Vision

The vision of the Graduate Program of Andalas University is “in 2025 to become a leading Graduate Education Institution in the field of inter- and multidisciplinary science in Indonesia and recognized by the world of international education”.

  • Mission
  1. To produce competent graduates of Masters and Doctoral degrees in inter- and multi-disciplinary science, which have strong hard-skill and soft-skill in producing international quality scientific work
  2. To develop useful science and technology to improve the welfare of the society.
  3. To become the center of educational development in the field of inter-and multidisciplinary science, especially in western Indonesia.

29 September 2016


Postgraduate Program at the Andalas University in Padang, was firstly started in the form of collaborative education program with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) on 17 September 1984. The education program was conducted through Credit Earning Activity for one study program, that is, Agronomic studies. In 1985, one more study program was opened namely Regional and Rural Development (Pembangunan Wilayah dan Pedesaan/PWD), and then continued in 1988 with two other courses namely Soil Science and Animal Science.
On September 1992 Postgraduate Program of Andalas University has its autonomous status from the Ministry of Education, through the decree of Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) No. 476, 478, 480 and 48I/KEP/1992 for those four study programs to be managed by the Andalas University. Since then, the Postgraduate program has started to establish more postgraduate study programs for other disciplines in order to open bigger opportunities for those who like to upgrade their academic capacities to take Master or even Doctoral degree.

Up to the year of 2012, the Postgraduate program got the operational permission from DIKTI to manage and coordinate about 40 Master degree program and 6 Doctoral degree Program. Since the end of 2012, the Rector of Andalas University has declared new regulation for better management of postgraduate programs in Andalas University. Master and Doctoral degree programs which are considered as mono-disciplinary programs should be managed under the coordination of each Faculty, while other interdisciplinary Master and Doctoral Programs can be managed and coordinated autonomously by the Graduate Program of Andalas Univeristy or Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas (PPsUnand)
Currently, in the year of 2018, the Graduate Program of Andalas University manage and coordinate 6 (six) Master Degree programs, and one Doctoral Degree program namely:

(1) Masteral Degree in Regional and Rural Development
(2) Masteral Degree in Environmental Science
(3) Masteral Degree in Biotechnology
(4) Masteral Degree in Housing and Human Settlement
(5) Masteral Degree in Natural Resources Management
(6) Masteral Degree in Science of Extension and Development Communication
(7) Doctoral Degree in Development Studies