W/P |
Rabu |
10.30-13.00 |
Ekonomi dan Kelayakan Perumahan dan Pemukiman |
W |
PPP 123 |
3 (3-0) |
Dr. Hafiz Rahman, SE, M.SB Verinita, SE, M.Si Dr. Yossyafra |
3.8 |
Perkim/II |
6 |
Kamis |
07.30-10.00 |
Hukum dan Administrasi Penyelenggaraan Perumahan Pemukiman |
P |
PPP 124 |
3 (3-0) |
Dr. Busyra Azheri Dr. Asrinaldi , S.Sos |
3.8 |
Perkim/II |
6 |
10.30-13.00 |
Sarana dan Prasarana Perumahan dan Pemukiman |
W |
PPP 121 |
3 (3-0) |
Dr. Eng. Denny Helard Dr. Rizki Azis, MT Dr. Benny Hidayat |
3.8 |
Perkim/II |
5 |
Jum’at |
07.30-10.00 |
Bisnis Perumahan dan Pemukiman |
P |
PPP 126 |
3 (3-0) |
Dr. Hafiz Rahman, SE, M.SB Verinita, SE, M.Si Prof.Dr. Fashbir M. Noer Sidin,, SE, M.SP
3.8 |
Perkim/II |
6 |
Educational curriculum of this Master degree program is organized in Credit System. Total study load of this program are 38 - 44 credits including thesis for four academic semesters (2 years). Lectures and other academic activities are conducted with the guidance of qualified lecturers, and is held in the Graduate Building Building of Andalas University, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang.
Semester I: four compulsary subjects = 12 credits
Semester II: three compulsary and one elective subjects = 12 credits
Semester III: one compulsary and two elective subjects = 7 credits
List of elective subjects:
Semester IV: two compulsary subjects = 7 credits
Master Housing and Settlement Development :
Lecturer :
Tujuan dan Sasaran
Bidang Pembangunan Perumahan dan Permukiman dengan kualifikasi dan kemampuan:
Pegawai Negeri Sipil, praktisi, masyarakat pemerhati perumahan dan permukiman, akademisi serta masyarakat umum yang Sarjana, telah dan akan bekerja dibidang Perumahan dan Permukiman dapat menjadi mahasiswa dengan memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan.
W/P |
07.30–10.00 |
Perencanaan & Tata Ruang Pemukiman |
W |
PPP 112 |
3 |
-Prof.Dr.Ir.Melinda Noer,M.Sc -Dr.Ir.Yossyafra,ST.M.Eng.Sc |
3.7 |
13.30–16.00 |
Dinamika Penduduk dan Pembangunan |
W |
PPP 114 |
3 |
-Dr.Ahmad Iqbal Baqi, M.S |
3.7 |
07.30–10.00 |
Metodologi Penelitian dan Publikasi Ilmiah |
W |
PPP 111 |
3 |
-Prof.Dr.Ir.Melinda Noer,M.Sc -Dr.Asrinaldi,S.Sos -Dr.Benny Hidayat,ST,MT
3.6 |
10.30–13.00 |
Amdal Perumahan dan Pemukiman |
W |
PPP 122 |
3 |
-Dr. Ardinis Arbain -Dr.Fajar Goembira,ST,M.Sc |
3.6 |
Pelaksanaan perkuliahan 1 sks kuliah adalah 50 menit
Sesuai peraturan Rektor Unand No. 6b Tahun 2013
The complexity problems of housing and settlement development is increasingly diverse, marked by the existence of slum areas in cities or even in rural areas. Some of the causes of these problem are: low competence of human resources regarding the implementation of housing and settlements programs; low community capacity in environmental management; lack of comprehensive understanding of stakeholders for joint action in the field of housing and settlement according to the mandate of the Law.
Republic of Indonesia Law No. 1/2011 concerning housing and settlement areaAREA states that the implementation of housing and residential areas consist of planning, development, utilization and control activities, must include the development of institutions, funding and financing systems, and the role of coordinated and integrated communities. All of the above aspects involve many institutions and communities in order to make the implementation process of the program suitable with the standards to achieve goals and benefits.
The Master degree program in Housing and Settlement Development at Andalas University was formed in 2009, and this is the first Master degree in this field in Indonesia. The study program initially received support from infrastructure, programs and lecturers from the Ministry of Public Housing. Future cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works will be developed; as well as with the Ministry of transmigration and Labor; Bappenas; and Provincial, Regency and City Governments; and with the private sectors.