

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
23 Desember 2016



The papers contained in this proceeding originate from the “2015 International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions”. Keynote speakers and authors of selected oral and poster presentations were invited to submit a manuscript for publication. Manuscripts were reviewed by the editors, and members  of  the  editorial  boards,  and  papers  of  a  suitable  scientific  standard feature in this publication. The Steering Commitee appreciates the contributions of all editors and reviewers in improving the quality of this proceeding.

In particular, I wish to express my warmest appreciation to the following people: Our distinguished keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as President of Assembly and Chair of Council Global Green Growth Institute and the 6th President of Republic Indonesia.

Our plenary speakers Prof. Ian Patrick (University of NewEngland, Australia), Prof. Jamal Othman (University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia), Dr.Endah Murningtyas (PERHEPI Pusat, Indonesia), Prof. Bustanul Arifin (Lampung University, Indonesia), Prof. Nestor Baguinon (University of the Philippines Los Banos, the Philippines), Dr. Nguyen Van Kien (An Giang University, Vietnam), Dr. Lareef Zubair (Columbia University) and Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah (Andalas University).

We would also like to thank the Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI),  PT. Semen Padang  Indonesia,  Bank Syariah  Mandiri, PT.  Incasi Raya, Bank Nagari, Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup Universitas Andalas, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Fakultas Pertanian, Provincial Government of West Sumatera for their collaboration, and a very special thanks to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for sponsoring this conference through the PEER project at Andalas University.



Padang, July 2016
Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah, PhD
Director of Graduate Program
Andalas University

23 Desember 2016



Widya Fitriana  and Dian Hafizah


Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas Padang,

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas,

Corresponding author:




The decreasing of constributions Agriculture sector to Regional Gross Domestic Product in West Sumatera for several years has force goverment to doing strategies diversification to solves this problem. One of strategy that could be chosen is by doing development in agritourism. Aims of the research are (1) to identify and to describe potential development of agritourism in west sumatera (by considering potention of natural resources, human reources, and heritage resources), (2) to identify and to describe potention of activity that could be create related to agritourism. This research using survey methode by observing all of agritourism location in West Sumatra. The result show us that there are seven type of agritourism that can be develope in West Sumatera which are (1) Plantation agritourism (2) holticulture agritourism (3) crops agritourism (4) husbandry agritourism (5) fishery agritourism (6) forrestry agritourism (7) Agroindustry agritourism and related to that, there are so many variety of potency activities that could be create to support development in agritourism such as families gathering/children playgroup, fotography, jogging track/bycyclinghorse riding, outbond, plant and harvest experience, traditional heritage attraction, enjoying ecsotic scenary, camping, bird watching etc. The opportunity of agritourism that already serve by nature should be develope and manage profesionally, so it can create adding value for agriculture bussiness itself. If all potention can develope well, it will be the new icon to encourage economic shifment in West Sumatera as precious comodity (mato galeh) in future.


Keyword: agritourism, potential development, regional economic growth


23 Desember 2016



Mislaini R.1, Santosa1 and Ghenta Shafirta2


1 Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Agricultural Engineering Department,

Phone/Fax. 0751-777413 ,LimauManis, Padang – 25163

2Laboratory of Management and Production of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University Padang

Corresponding author: Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk




Rendang eggs became popular in Payakumbuh Municipality and surrounding areas since 2002. According Supardi (2009) states that rendang egg is a typical food Payakumbuh, West Sumatera. Making rendang eggs originated from the number of eggs are cracked or broken contained in farmers layer chicken. Until now consumer demand for increased egg rendang. Rendang egg producers are still using simple equipment in the manufacturing process. Therefore, it is necessary to study the making cutting tools omelet in the process of making a simple egg rendang still using human labor as a source of driving force. This tool can shorten the cutting time omelet compared with the use of a kitchen knife. Tools produced in this study can already be used to cut the omelet with percentage yield imperfect truncated 45.78% and the percentage of perfectly clipped 50.67%. This tool generates an effective working capacity of 41.17    kg / h, when compared to manual work capacity cuts with a knife that only 13.24 kg / h. The capacity of this tool is much better that about 3.109 times that of manual cutting.


Keyword: Design, Cutlery Omelet, Work Capacity, Omelet


23 Desember 2016




Dewi Nilakrisna1, Ridha Taqwa2, Sriati3, Dadang H Purnama4and Robiyanto H Susanto5


1 Doktoral Student on Environmental Sciences, University of Sriwijaya, Indonesia


2345Senior Lectures at Sriwijaya University Graduate School, Indonesia

Corresponding author:




There is a strong relation between livelyhood of local indigeneous community and forest resources where they are living on. Development of natural forest into plantation or plantation forest has changed the relationship between livelyhood of local community and the forest. Forest exploitation has made the local people livelyhood disturbed and degraded. This is a qualitative descriptive research at the southern part of Jambi province especially at the district Batang Hari. Primary data had been collected with direct observation and indepth interview with the related stake holders such as: local governments, private company, universities and research institution, NGO, and the local community.   In addition, secondary data was taken from the available existing reports, maps, recommendation. Research data and information were analyzed with triangulation technique taking into account the data validity and reability. The results showed that forest cover in 1982 is 85.47% decreased to 42.84 % in 2014 within the Jambi province. It has been a decrease of forest cover up to 42.63 % within almost 30 years. The remaining forest in Jambi province is conservation forest, national park and green belt, which are also attacked by illegal logging and increased of the plantation crops. From the land cover data in 2011 there is 45.8 % plantation crops dominated mostly by oil palm (up t0 60%). There is a big difference on land ownership between the community (2 ha/ house hold) and the private company (at least 600 ha/ company). Imbalance of this land ownership has triggered conflicts between the local community, i.e. Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) Bathin 9, which have been there for hundred years and the private companies.   The life of 3.000 people of SAD Batin 9 is indangered during this 30 years.


Keywords: Land Use Changes, Indigenous People, SAD Batin 9