Environment in Focus Photo Competition "Youth and Caring for Environment

10 Oktober 2018

Reminiscing the spirit of SUMPAH PEMUDA 1928, the 3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions conducting this photo competition to increase awareness among the youth to take environmental protection as personal responsibility and  demonstrate it through their daily activities to inspire other youths

To participate, please register and submit up to 5 your photographs to : bit.ly/lombafotografiLH ;  Date Line 26 OctOber 2018

  • Photographs should be minimum resolution 8 mega pixel
  • Enhancing photos is allowed, however the photo may not be changed
  • The photo must be your own and can have been taken at any time
  • The winning images and a selection of other entries will be displayed at exhibition on 29-30 October 2018
  • Photo captions must accompany all submissions, and should include the subject of the image, the location the image was taken, and the name of the photographer
  • The submitted photo should not be the winning photo in other competition
  • Photo competition is split into two sections. (1). Judged which entails all entries being
    judged to choose the overall winner of the photo contest. (2). The Peoples Choice, where by people vote on their favourite photos during exhibition
  • The judges decision is final and they do not enter into communication relating to entries
  • All photos might be used by Andalas University Website


10,000,000 IDR 

nominated photos will be displayed
at the venue of international conference at pangeran beach Hotel on 29-30 Octber 2018 

Contact Person:
- Rezi Junialdi : 082388048879
- Robby W Putra: : 081268403036

IG : lombafotografilh
Twitter : @lombafotoLH


Diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara Program Pascasarjana Unand dan :
- Himpunan mahasiswa dan alumni Program S2 Ilmu Lingkungan
- Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan
- Himpunan Mahasiswa Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

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