

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
29 Oktober 2017

Kata Pengantar Ketua ASP I..............................................................................................................................................

Kata Pengantar Ketua PERHEP I......................................................................................................................................

Tantangan Per encanaan Pembangunan Inklusif Desa-Kota:Catatan Dari P enyunting ................................................





Desa-Kota sebagai Alternatif Permukiman yang Ber kelanjutan: Pembelajaran dari Yogyakar ta dan Bali

Boby Setiawan .................................................................................................................................................................


Perencanaan Or ganis: Mengatasi Kemajemukan dan Liberalisasi Pasar

Endry Martius ...................................................................................................................................................................


Pengembangan Wilayah Ber basis Quadr uple Helix: Analisis Jaringan A ntar Aktor d alam Pengembangan Industr i

Kreatif Cimahi

Tubagus Furqon Sof hani dan Vaulli Nurrahma ..........................................................................................................


Pelajaran dar i Praktik Penyusunan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daer ah

Werry Darta Taif ur ...........................................................................................................................................................



Str ategis Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Dlundung Trawas K abupaten Mojoker t o

Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widiyastut y dan Gesang Hari ...........................................................................................


Model Pengelolaan Par iwisata K ota D enpasar

I Gusti Putu Anindya Putra .............................................................................................................................................


Membangun Kampung KreatiMelalui Kolabor asi Mahasiswa dengan Masyar akat: Kasus: KawasaBalubur- Tamansari K ota B andung

Asep Yudi Per mana, N ana S umarna dan Karto Wijaya .............................................................................................


Konsep P engembangan Kawasan Wisata Gunung Bungsu R esor t   sebagai K awasan Ekow isata dan Wisata

Olahraga B erbasis Pember dayaan Masyaakat

Desy Aryanti dan Harne Julianti Tou ............................................................................................................................


Risiko Produksi Pembenihan Lele p ada U saha Family Pisces Group Kecamatan K oto Tangah K ota Padang

Dwi E valiza, Nur Af ni E valia dan Elf i Syukrina S ani ..................................................................................................


Pengembangan Infrastruktur P ariwisata Di Desa P lumbon Gabang K ecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang

Berdasarkan A spirasi Masyar akat

Eko Budi S antoso, Arwi Yudhi Koswara dan B elinda Ulf a Aulia .............................................................................


Pengembangan K elembagaan K oper asi Melalui Pers pektif Psikologi Sosial

Elf i Rahmadani, Rudi Febriamansyah dan Ir a Wahyuni Syarf i .................................................................................


Pengembangan A ir Ter jun C oban Pelangi Desa Wisata Gubugklakah Kabupaten Malang B erdasar kan Potensi

Ekonomi dan Sosial Masyar akat

Ema U milia, K etut Dewi Martha Erli Handayeni dan Ar wi Yudhi Koswara .............................................................


Implementasi Nagar i Koto Hilalang sebagai D esa Wisata Per tanian di K abupaten S olok

Harne Julianti Tou ...........................................................................................................................................................


Analisis Program Pengembangan E kowisata di Pulau P ahaw ang K abupaten P esawaran Provinsi Lampung

Hendro Muliarto, Isye Nurhasanah Susanah dan Citra P ersada ............................................................................


Tantangan Pembangunan Pariw isata Inklusif Geopark CiletuhDesa Ciwaru Kabupaten Sukabumi Provinsi

Jawa B arat

Hilwati Hinder sah, Y ulia Asyiawati, Lely Syiddatul A kliyah dan Tauf ik Akbar Ramadhan ..................................


Pengembangan A gro-Technopark untuk Mendukung A growisata Salak Sibetan Ber kelanjutan

I K etut Sumantra ..............................................................................................................................................................


Pengembangan K laster Industri K erajinan Mutiara, Emas, Per ak (MEPsebagai Kawasan P ariwisata Belanja di

Kelurahan Karang P ule, Kecamatan Sekar bela Kota Matar am

Ima Rahmawati Sushanti, B aiq Harly WidayantI dan Sucia Wulandari Irawan .....................................................


Perkembangan Wisata B erbasis Sosial Media dan P engaruhnya ter hadap P enyediaan Infrastruktur P erdesaan

Isti Hidayati .......................................................................................................................................................................


Pengembangan Industr i Kr eatif Pedesaan Melalui Komer sialisasi Produk U nggulan Daerah (S tu di K asus pada

Kecamatan K amang Magek, Kabupaten Agam )

Lora Triana dan Faidil Tanjung ......................................................................................................................................


Menakar Par tisipasi Masyar akat dalam Engembangan Losari S ebagai R uang Publik

Slamet Trisutomo, Mukt i Ali dan Nuni Andriani Daunun ...........................................................................................


Identifikasi Kebutuhan Ruang untuk Pengembangan Wisata Budaya Seni Per tunjukan Tra disional (S tudi Kasus :

Kota Bandung)

Sony Herdiana dan Khaerunnisa Larashati Mahmud ................................................................................................


Model Pengembangan Industr i Kelapa di Provinsi R iau

Syaif ul Hadi.......................................................................................................................................................................


Penentuan Hirar ki Pengembangan Wilayah p ada P ulau-Pulau Kecil Berpotensi Wisata di K abupaten Kepulauan

Siau Tagulandang B iaro

Tondobala Linda, Cynthia Wuisang dan Leidy Rompas ...........................................................................................



Peranan Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) Kelas Berkembang dalam Pengembangan Usahatani Padi

Sawah di Kabupaten Tebo

Asnawati. Is ......................................................................................................................................................................


Diver sifikasi S awah Melalui PTS Iptek bagi Masyar akat

Arief Setiyawa, Hutomo Moestadjab dan Gaguk Sukowiyono ................................................................................


Pemetaan Lokasi K onservasi u ntuk Penyelamatan S tok Ternak

Delvia Nor a .......................................................................................................................................................................


Dampak B encana Alam terhadap Sektor P er tanian di Perdesaan di P rovinsi Jawa B arat

Dwi Mahroji .......................................................................................................................................................................


Kontribusi Sektor Per tanian di Subsektor Per kebunan terhadap Ekonomi K abupaten Tebo

Evo Af rianto ......................................................................................................................................................................


Analisis Kebutuhan Luas Lahan Per tanian Pangan sebagai Dasar Per encanaan dan Pengembangan Lahan

Per tanian Berkelanjutan di K abupaten K onaw e Selatan

Hasbullah Syaf , M.Tuf aila, Lukman Y unus, La B aco, Juf ri Karim dan M.Aris Rauf ..............................................


Pengembangan Kampung Bibit sebagai Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) dan Pertanian Organik Perkotaan

(Studi Kasus: RW 3, Kelurahan Lowokwarru, Kota Malang)

Aris Subagiyo, Abdul Wahid Hasyim dan Armei Rapudin ..............................................................................................................................


Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perubahan Pemanfaatan Lahan Pertanian di Kecamatan Watang Sawitto Kabupaten

Pinrang Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Muhammad Anshar dan Patris ......................................................................................................................................


AnalisiKesiapaMasyarakaNagarPar u KecamataS ijunjunKabupateSijunjundalaProgram

Pencetakan Sawah Baru

Nuraini Budi Astuti, Ira Wahyuni Syarf i dan Edwin ..................................................................................................


Analisis Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah Per tanian ter hadap Pengembangan Agroindustri di Kabupaten

Limapuluh Kota

Rini Hakimi, Melinda Noer, Nof ialdi dan Hasnah .........................................................................................................



Kajian Daya Dukung Lahan terhadap Tekanan P enduduk di K ecamatan N anggalo Kota Padang

Fitriana Syahar ................................................................................................................................................................


Pengembangan K awasan P esisir Pantai dengan Konsep Agr ibisnis Minapolitan

Mohammad Agung Ridlo ................................................................................................................................................


Karakteristik Pola Penggunaan Lahan Kawasan Pesisir Kota Makassar (S tudi Kasus Delta Sungai Jeneberang)

Mukti Ali , Slamet Trisut omo, Sri Aliah Ekawat i dan Resti Kharisma .....................................................................


Place-Based Management sebagai Salah Satu Pendekatan dalam Pengelolaan Ruang Laut di Indonesia

Putu Oktavia .....................................................................................................................................................................



EksplorasPola H idup Masyar akat B ugisebagaDasar PenyusunaK ebijakaPembangunaInklusif

Perumahan dan P ermukiman di Kota Makassar

Arif uddin Akil ...................................................................................................................................................................


Valuasi Sumber Daya Lahan di Pinggir an Kota Malang (S tudi K asus : Wilayah Pinggiran Kota Malang, K elur ahan

Tunggulw ulung Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang)

Dimas Wisnu Adriant o, Abdul Wahid Hasyim,   Dian Dinanti, Januar Dwi Hari Sandy dan Raihanah Rizky

Ananda ..............................................................................................................................................................................


Par tisipasi Masyarkat pada Pengelolaan S ampah dengan Konsep 3r di K ota Bukittinggi

Dona A melia dan Juarsa Badri ......................................................................................................................................


Pengembangan D esa Berkelanjutan Melalui Konsep Mandiri E nergi di Desa Par akanmuncang Kabupaten Bogor

Eneng Dayu Saidah dan Indarti K omala Dewi ............................................................................................................


Ketahanan Pangan R umah Tangga dan Wilayah B erbasis P angan Lokal Sagu, K ela di dan Pisang di Kabupaten

Kepulauan Mentawai

Erwin ..................................................................................................................................................................................


Analisis Resiko Bencana Multi Bahaya (Multi Hazard) dan Arahan Mitigasinya di Kota Bukittinggi

Fir mansyah, Jajan Rohjan dan Deden Syarif udin ......................................................................................................

Evaluasi Keraw anan Bencana Tanah Longsor di K awasan Permukiman di daer ah Alir an Sungai (Das) Ciliwung


Indarti Komala Dewi dan Faisal Abdi ..........................................................................................................................


Peranan Tanah Ulayat sebagai Land Banking dalam Perkembangan Kota Bukittinggi

Ira Saf itri Darwin , Haryo Winar so dan Denny Zulkai di ..............................................................................................


Analisis Potensi Sumber D aya K awasan Tr ansmigrasi d an Kaw asan Industri Per kotaan Baru B umi Asri Dusun

Tangah untuk Memper cepat P embangunan Solok Selatan sebagai Daer ah Ter tinggal di Smatera B arat

Kardiman ...........................................................................................................................................................................


KawasaBanjir d an Pola Aliran Sungai Berdasarkan Morphometri pada Daerah Aliran (DAS)  Batang Kur anji

Sumatera B arat

Lusi Utama, A mr izal Sai di, Isril Berd dan Zuherna Mizwar .......................................................................................


Kualitas Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Trans Sarbagita sebagai Sar ana Pilihan Angkutan Umum di Provinsi B ali

Ni Nyoman Rai Sriasih dan Ni Gusti Agung Gde E ka Martiningsih ........................................................................


Model Penggunaan Lahan Berbasis B udaya di DAS Tukad P aker isan B ali

Nyoman Ut ari Vipriyanti ..................................................................................................................................................


Water P over ty Index di K ecamatan K edungkandang

Septiana Hariyani dan Ismu Rini D wi Ari .....................................................................................................................


Pemanfaatan Poster Y untuk Mengeksplorasi Gagasan Mahasiswa P erencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dalam

Mengelola Kawasan Lanskap Budaya Dunia

Sang Putu K aler Sur ata ..................................................................................................................................................


Kearifan B udaya Lokal K ampung Adat Cir eundeu dan Konsep Swasembada P angan

Saraswati dan Reiza Per manda Gulf a ..........................................................................................................................


Analisis Pengelolaan Daer ah A liran Sungai Pekerisan Ditinjau dari D aya Dukung Biofisik Lahan

Wayan Sudiani dan I Ketut S umantr a ...........................................................................................................................



Studi Awal Tingkat K epuasan Penghuni Rusun Jatinegara B arat di DKI Jakar ta dan Kesempatan P engentasan


Akhmad Gunawan, H aryo Winarso dan Teti Ar miati Argo ........................................................................................


Perubahan Ruang S akral Wilayah Kuta, Bali

Ari Djat miko dan Zulphiniar Priyandhoko ...................................................................................................................


Str ategi Penyediaan Kawasan Komersial di Lingkungan K ampus ITS S urabaya

Arwi Yudhi KOSWARA, S ardjito dan Adjie PAMUNGKAS ........................................................................................


Kebijakan P engembangan Area P ermukiman Melayu Moder en d i Siak Sr i Indrapura, Provinsi Riau

Fiki Angga Putra dan Puji Ast uti ...................................................................................................................................


Spiritualitas Ruang Tongkonan Kampung A dat Tua S illanan Toraja

Imam Indratno, Sudaryono , Bakti Setiawan Dan Kawik Sugiana .............................................................................


Pengelolaan Permukiman B erkelanjutan di K awasan P inggiran Metropolitan Jabodetabek

Janthy Trilusianthy Hidayat ...........................................................................................................................................


Kajian Potensi Ekonomi Wilayah dan Penguatan Kelembagaan   untuk Mendorong Pembagunan Kawasan

Transmigrasi di KTM Labangka K abupaten Sumbawa Provinsi

Lilis Sri Mulyawati dan Inna Sr i Supina Adi ................................................................................................................


Kajian Penataan Eksistensi Kampung Ter jepit (Enclave) Akibat P engembangan Per umahan Skala Besar (S tudi

Kasus Kampung Lengkong Ulama Desa Lengkong Kulon, Kecamatan Pagedangan, K abupaten Tangerang)

Medtry, Budi H aryo dan Kusmalinda Madjid ..............................................................................................................


Kebijakan P engendalian Ruang Perumahan dan P emukiman di K ota Padang: S tudi Kasus Pemanfaatan Lahan

untuk Pembangunan Per umahan di Kecamatan Pauh Kota P adang

Melinda Noer, Rian Hidayat dan Yushy .......................................................................................................................


Pengar uh S truktur Ruang Berdasarkan Tataguna Lahan Campuran (Mix Used) di Kota Banda Aceh

Noer Fadhly, A. R ahim Matondang Sirojuzilam dan Sof yan M. S aleh ....................................................................


Kajian Dampak Per kembangan P ermukiman Berdasarkan Debit A ir Limpasan di Kecamatan Medan Johor

Rahmad Dian dan Muhamad Abdul Soleh ...................................................................................................................


Green City: S olusi Pr oblematika P erkotaan d alam Dimensi P embangunan B erkelanjutan

Syarif Imam Hidayat ........................................................................................................................................................


Analisis Laju Per tumbuhan Per umahan dan Permukiman di Kawasan R awan B encana Kota Bukittinggi

Tri Novi Arif , Melinda Noer dan Yossyaf ra .................................................................................................................


Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Bedah R umah di Kota Padang

Yushy, Y ossyaf ra dan Melinda Noer ............................................................................................................................



Ketimpangan Pendapatan dan Demokrasi Indonesia: Fakta dar i Non- Linear E stimasi Gmm

Abdul Khaliq .....................................................................................................................................................................


Integr asi Pembagunan D esa- Kota Menuju Kemandir ian Pangan dan Masyarakat Sejahtera

Asep Suher man ................................................................................................................................................................


Identifikasi Tingkat Pelayanan Fasilitas Publik berdasar Aspek Penye diaan (Supply A spect) (S tudi Kasus: Sekolah Menengah Per tama (SMP) di K ota Malang)

Deni Agus Setyono, Denny D wi Cahyono dan Dian Kusuma Wardhani ................................................................


Kajian Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengar uhi Tingkat Kemiskinan (S tu di K asus: K ota Padang Panjang)

Eliza dan S iska Yulia Def itri ...........................................................................................................................................


Transformasi Technopark Menuju Technopolis : Sebuah Pengalaman P engembangan Technopar k di Indonesia

Ery Supriyadi Rust idja dan Tuti Kar yani ......................................................................................................................


Analisis Ketimpangan Pembangunan Sumater a U tar a

Faoeza Haf iz S aragih dan E ndang Sari Simanullang ................................................................................................


Resettlement, Par tisipasi, Kompensasi dan Kesejahteraan Masyar akat

Fery Andrianus, Syaf ruddin Karimi, Melinda Noer dan Werry Darta Taif ur ...........................................................


Kegagalan Pembangunan Per tanian Meningkatkan K esejahteraan P etani di Indonesia

Gevisioner, Rudi Febriamansyah, If dal dan Suardi Tarumun ..................................................................................


Peningkatan Pendapatan K eluarga Miskin Melalui Pemanfaatan Waktu Luang Istri di Kawasan Per desaan

(Kasus : Kabupaten B ekasi)

Ina Helena Agustina ........................................................................................................................................................


Faktor-Faktoyang Mempengaruhi Par tisipasi Anggota Gabunga Kelompok Tani Tanjung Sehati dalam

Kegiatan Kelompok di K abupaten Mer angin

Isyaturriyadhah, Asnawati Is dan Ef f y Yudiawati .......................................................................................................


Analisis Wilayah Komoditi B asis dalam Mengoptimalkan Potensi E konomi Regional K abupaten Dharmasraya

Joni Haryadi, Melinda Noer dan Hery Bachrizal Tanjung .........................................................................................


Identifikasi P usat - Pusat Pelayanan dengan A nalisis W eighted Centrality Index (S tudi Kasus Kabupaten Bogor)

Ken Martina Kasikoen, D ar mawan List ya Cahya dan Laili Fuji Widyawati ............................................................


Mobilitas Pencari Kerja Per empuan di Per kotaan

Komara Djaja, H era Susanti, Shelly Adelina dan Cit a Wigjoseptina .......................................................................


PeraP erencanaaPenyuluhaPer taniaTingkaNagarB erbasiIkataS esamPetanterhadap

Pembangunan Pedesaan di Nagari Balai Panjang

Muhamad R eza, Melinda Noer, Y onariza dan Asmawi ..............................................................................................


Prioritas P embangunan Infrastruktur Pedesaan (S tudi Kasus : Desa S emukutK ab. K ep. Mer anti)

Muhammad Sof wan .........................................................................................................................................................


Interaksi Lintas Batas Antar Negara dalam Pendekatan P embangunan Kawasan Per batasan (S tudi Kasus: Kawasan Per batasan Indonesia-Malaysia di Kabupaten K apuas Hulu-Kalbar)

Muhamad Y ogie S yahbandar .........................................................................................................................................


Analisis Pengar uh P embangunan Infrastuktuter hadap K emiskinan K ota Tangerang

Resti Meliana S ari, Ikhmaliska Aisha Maqdis dan M. Yogie Syahbandar ...............................................................


Inventar isasi Lembaga Keuangan Lokal dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Per tanian Berkelanjutan di Kecamatan

Pauh K ota P adang

Rika Hariance , Zednita Azriani, Cindy Paloma, Yuerlita dan M Ref dinal...............................................................


Kajian Per kembangan Program Pengembangan Usaha Agr ibisnis P erdesaan (PUAP) dKabupaten Tanjung

Jabung Timur

Siti Abir Wulan .................................................................................................................................................................


Kajian Penghidupan Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Pasca Gempa 2009 (S tudi Kasus Nagar i

Tandikek K ecamatan P atamuan)

Sosmiarti, Syaf ruddin Karimi, Melinda Noer dan Werry Darta Taif ur .....................................................................


Badan Usaha Milik D esa: Mengidentifikasi Potensi, Peluang dan Tantangan

Teguh Widodo ..................................................................................................................................................................


Mengawal Pembangunan Neo-E ndogenous di Perdesaan: Pengembangan Kaw asan Per desaan di Kab Serang

Teti A Argo dan Hastu Prabat mojo ...............................................................................................................................


Mentautkan Desa-Kota Melalui Penerapan Supply Chain FinancinpadK omoditas Wor tel dKoperasi A l- Ittifaq

Tuti Karyani, Nabila Luthf iannisaa dan Ery Supriyadi.R ..........................................................................................


Model Pengembangan P erdesaan K awasan P erbatasan Kecamatan Rupat U tar a Kabupaten Bengkalis

Umar Mansyur ..................................................................................................................................................................


Pembangunan Inklusif Desa-Kota Melalui Pengembangan K awasan A gropolitan

Wiwik A mbarsari ..............................................................................................................................................................


Local E conomic Linkagepada K ota K ecil/MenengasebagaInstrume Konsep K eter kaitan Desa-Kota

(Rural-Urban Linkage)

Yosep Mohamad Holis ....................................................................................................................................................


LAMPIRAN ........................................................................................................................................................................


Lampiran 1 P anitia Pengarah ...........................................................................................................................................


Lampiran 2 P anitia Pelaksana ..........................................................................................................................................


18 Oktober 2017


Eri Sayamar, Rosnita and Roza Yulida

Agribusiness Department, Riau University Corresponding author : Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.


Rubber farming of independent smallholder farmer in general are still in progress naturally without any intervention of a third party, so that the productivity of smallholder rubber farming is still low. This will certainly have an impact on the empowerment of the rubber farmers. This study aimed to analyze the level of empowerment of independent smallholder farmers of rubber in farming activities in Riau Province. This study was used explanation research that it is intended to discover and develop the theory. Respondents were choosen by disprosional stratified random sampling. A total of 575 farmers from three districts potential rubber commodity in Riau Province. To answer the purpose of using the Likert Scale's Summated Rating (SLR). The results showed that the level of empowerment of smallholder farmers of rubber in the province of Riau included in the categorized quite well from the institutional aspect and productive economy, but is still not good than the aspect of human resources.

Keywords: empowerment, smallholder farmers, rubber


17 Oktober 2017


Rudi Febriamansyah  

Andalas Univesity, Padang - INDONESIA Corresponding author: Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.  


As background, this paper try to review South East Asian climate at a millenial scope, i.e. Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) c.18,000 yrs B.P. to present. SEAn climates match the culture of ethnic groups. Natural resources provide them ecosystem services. Started from around 1850s, the Industrial Revolution was already spewing greenhouse gases (GHG) hence the Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) problem. Aside from ACC, exponential human population growth (HPG) and deforestation (DF) are closely knit problems. Under a business-as- usual scenario, ACC will destroy natural resources and makes people vulnerable to ACC extreme events. In specific, this paper have tried to expose some empirical facts of the regional changes of climatic variabilities in West Sumatera, Indonesia and presents such identification of its impacts on natural resources and agricultural activities in the region. This study chose the case site in the surrounding Singkarak Lake as the rain-shadow region in West Sumatra.This PEER-USAID sponsored study found that there are significant changes of seasonal pattern of rainfall in this region during the last 30-40 years. The area in the eastern part of Singkarak relatively has become drier than in the western part Singkarak. Results from the vulnerability analysis shows that the villages in the eastern region became much more vulnerable compared with the villages in the west. Approximately more than 500 ha of upland paddy (rain-fed paddy) in the eastern region Singkarak is already over 30 years are not reprocessed, and many people are now working on dry-land crops and rubber plantation, or even work in non-agriculture jobs or migrate to the cities. Paddy farmers in this region are facing difficulties to set up their planting schedule. Some seasonal fruits, such as local mango (kwini) no longer have a peak plentiful annual harvest. From those identification studies, it can be concluded that the effects of global climate change has affected the regularity of the local climate in this area of study and then influence the natural resources condition and agricultural activities. Such empirical researchesare still being conducted in order to develop such adaptive agricultural management models, integrated catchment management model as well as the study on the behavioral changes of farmers in this affected regions of climate change.  

Keywords: climate changes, agricultural activities, socio-economic impacts   


04 Oktober 2017

Constrains, Opportunities and Challenges

In 2011, the Bonn Challenge was announced with a goal to restore 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020. This ambitious goal was reinforced during the UN Climate Summit 2014 in New York where more than 130 signatories including governments, companies, civil society and indigenous peoples endorsed calls to restore more than 350 million hectares of forests and croplands by 2030. In the Asia-Pacific region, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has adopted an aspirational goal of increasing forest cover in the region by at least 20 million ha by 2020, and member countries of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) and other organizations are placing increasing emphasis on forest restoration.   Almost 1.6 billon people in the world, and particularly in Indonesia minimum 20 million communities depend on forest for their livelihoods.

In light of these global targets and emerging national commitments, it is imperative to develop low-cost strategies and techniques for landscape restoration. Lots of efforts to restore, many programs such as rehabilitation, one man-one tree, one million/billion planting, moratorium illegal logging: no new permit, Concession for Restoration ecosystem, Social forestry [community forest-HKm, customary forest-Hutan Adat, private forest-Hutan Rakyat, and Village forest-Hutan Desa], conservation village, fire-free village, law enforcement, contesting and negotiating in international forum such as above mentioned, Climate Change-Bonn Challenge for financing, forming the Peatland Restoration Agency (known as Badan Restorasi Gambut) to challenge 2 million ha peatland restoration until 2019. In other hand, lots of practices to degrade such as forest land conversion to palm oil land, designed-forest fire slash and burn practice without controlling, illegal logging, land encroachment, land grabbing, issued contradictive-policies between sector in same land,  forestry sector issue to plant the land, in other hand the mining sector issue to opening land for mining, etc. Almost stakeholders know well the benefits of restoration that are for water supply, prevent disaster (landslide), and biodiversity. They know what relation: upstream-downstream, the forest business is long term purposes. Also local community with their local knowledge could know well to manage environmental friendly. The question is: why they don’t act their knowledge to implement? The answer is that other priority of land uses. There are other interests. Therefore, the key problem is: how to manage the stakeholder’s interest. As we known, every decision, also restoration; the decision is benefit to in one side, and make suffer or pain on the other hand.  What kind of such way to tackle? Underlying problem of forest landscape restoration is not just technical problem, but a social and political problem prior to vary interest of stakeholders who either benefits or suffer due to forest landscape restoration decision. Unharmonized regulation makes an unsynchronization of implementation to invest FLR, particularly related regulation that derive to access forest state for local community. However need to be excavated. The policy or regulation concerning land restoration that has already been issued is lacked of socialization so that only few stakeholders are aware. Also, to many NGO driving, i.e. WARSI, CO2 operate BV. There are more 40 NGOs/ENGO work in West Sumatra.

Indonesia allocated 12,7 million ha for community’s access for forest products for their livelihoods. It is therefore, artificial regeneration is important to benefit. Despite these economic and environmental advantages, FLR is often overlooked when restoration policies and programs are designed for a number of reasons, including: lack of its recognition as a viable restoration option; perverse incentives favoring clearing of young secondary growth for plantation development or other land uses; lack of institutional support by government agencies and other organizations; unclear tenure and property rights; lack of incentives for local communities; and uncertainly over the restoration process and outcomes.   FAO with Forest R &D Centre through technical program TCP/RAS/3512 indicated that tailoring stakeholders and partner become important and crucial.



A workshop and training will be organized in Padang, West Sumatra. These programs will have convened in collaboration with UNAND and Forestry Province Office. The aim is to better understand the challenges and opportunities for FLR and to promote its inclusion as a major component of large-scale restoration initiatives.  Also, the organizing is to enhance technical capacities of Government and communities to identify opportunities, plan, and implement FLR.


The specific objectives of the workshop are as follows :

  • Raise awareness among policy makers and practitioners regarding the potential of FLR in contributing to the achievement of forest restoration goals. 
  • Share experience in and scope for using artificial regeneration as a tool for forest restoration.  Discuss key issues related to restoring forestlands through artificial regeneration: including the  ecology, techniques an monitoring of regeneration; enabling policy, regulatory and institutional framework; and the economic and social dimensions of natural regeneration, and its role in  identify barriers, gaps and opportunities for mainstreaming the application of artificial regeneration as a viable and effective strategy in forest restoration to community benefits; and
  • Develop recommendations on the way forward to promote the use of artificial regeneration in regional and national restoration initiatives. The result of the workshop will also feed into the consultation on regional strategy and action plan for forest and landscape restoration which will be incorporated into the national strategies.
  • Promoting farest landscape restoration program for students in West Sumatra through photography and short film events.

Date and Venue :

10-11 October 2017

Graduate Program Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatera


Agenda and Design




Tuesday, 10 October 2017  Capacity  Building  Needs Assessment



Province Forestry Office/Forest R&D Centre


  • Overview Provincial on the Challenge and potential of FLR
  • Highlights from FAO TCP Project on Promoting FLR



Coffee/tea break

[OC announce to all participants to self-identify to affiliate one group: Policy, regulation and institution; Economic and Social Aspects of FLR, Ecology of FLR; Decision-making and prioritization tools and guidelines to enhance and monitor the success of FLR strategies, and prepare for its discussion]



Experiences in FLR: Forest Restoration in witness

  • Site Nagari Sirukam
  • Site Nagari Indudur
  • Bagong Pagasa Fondation (Patrict Dugan Jr)

Q&A, Discussion

[Wali nagari and BPF present their problem, constraints, opportunities, and challenges to restore their degraded lands]

Moderator: Dr Titiek Setyawati

Notulis: UNAND


Policy, regulation and institution [Forestry Province Office, Ditjen PSKL]

  • Categorization on FLR and recognizing it as a viable landuse option
  • Removing Policy Disincentive
  • Developing legal framework that encourage and enable FLR
  • Secure land tenure and clear property rights for land owners/managers
  • Strengthening institutional support for FLR as a restoration option

Q&A, Discussion

Moderator: Director Forest Center

Notulis: UNAND


Praying and Lunch



Economic and Social Aspects of FLR (WARSI Indonesia, UNDALAS)

  • Developing Incentives for regenerating degraded land
  • Creating value from secondary forests
  • Making it an attractive investment option
  • Changing local people’s perception of regeneration degraded land

Q&A, Discussion

Moderator: Forestry Province Office

Notulis: UNAND


Group discussions

NPC and NC

Tuesday, 10 October 2017  Welcoming moment


Welcome dinner [and Minang Dance-TBD]  and [announce FLR Video high priorities-TBD]

Wednesday, 11 October 2017 Forest Restoration Landscape (FLR) Training


Highlight: Policy, regulation and institutions, economic and social aspects of FLR


Ecology of FLR [Dit Konservasi Kawasan KSDAE, Dr Maman Turjaman, MS]

  • Implication of species biology on regeneration success
  • Biophysichal basis of FLR (genetic adaptation, biotic interactions, local biodiversity)

Q&A, Discussion

Moderator: UNAND

Notulis: UNAND


Coffee/tea break


Decision-making and prioritization tools and guidelines to enhance and monitor the success of FLR strategies [Ir Atok Subiakto, MSc;  Forestry Province office]

  • Mapping probabilities and prioritizing areas for FLR
  • Management tools and guidelines
  • [Monitoring through spatial tools and field survey]

Q&A, Discussion

Moderator: UNAND

Notulis: UNAND


Praying and Lunch



Group discussion and reporting back: Identifying constrains, opportunities and next steps

Group 1 Policy, regulation and institution

Group 2 Economic and Social Aspects of FLR

Group 3 Ecology of FLR

Group 4 Decision-making and prioritization tools and guidelines to enhance and monitor the success of FLR strategies, and prepare for its discussion

Moderator: Dr Titiek Setyawati, MSc.


Wrap up and Closing

Province Forestry Office/Forest R&D Center

Exhibition Program




Wednesday, 11 October 2017


  • FLR Exhibition

FLR Team


  • Short movie Workshop

FLR Team


  • Photo Judging by visitor

FLR Team


Photography winner announcement at Workshop Closing

FLR Team




Ministry of Environment and Forestry

1.  Kepala Badan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Inovasi (FOERDIA)

2.  Kepala Pusat Litbang Hutan

3.  Sekretaris Ditjen PSKL

4.  Direktur Penyiapan Kawasan Perhutanan Sosial, Ditjen PSKL

5.  Direktur Kemitraan Lingkungan, Ditjen PSKL

6.  Direktur Usaha Jasa Lingkungan dan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Hutan Produksi, Ditjen PHPL

7.  Direktur Kawasan Konservasi, Ditjen KSDAE

8.  Kepala Bidang Program dan Evaluasi, Puslitbang Hutan, BLI

Forestry Province Office of West Sumatera

9.   Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Sumatera Barat

10. Sdr. Yonefis Yusman, SH.MM.

11. Sdr.Kusworo, SP.,MM.

12. Kelompok Kerja Perhutanan Sosial Prov. Sumatera Barat (1 orang)

13. Kepala BP DAS Provinsi Sumbar

Solok District

14. KPPHL Solok

15. Kelompok Kerja Perhutanan Sosial Kab Solok, Sumbar (1 orang)

Local Community

16. Wali Nagari Indudur

17. Ketua BPAN Indudur

18. Ketua Kerapatan Adat Nagari Indudur

19. Ketua HKM Indudur

20. Anggota HKM Indudur (1 orang)

21. Wali Nagari Hutan Sirukam

22. Ketua BPAN Sirukam

23. Ketua Kerapatan Adat Nagari Sirukam

24. Ketua Lembaga Pengelola Hutan Nagari Sirukam

25. Anggota Lembaga Pengelola Hutan Nagari Sirukam (1orang)

Environment Non-Government Organization

26.  CO2 Operate BV

27.  WARSI Sumatera Barat

28.   Bagong Pagasa Fondation – Philipine


29.  Universitas  Andalas

30.  STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

FAO Representatives

31.  Ir. Ageng Herianto (FAO Indonesia)/Team

National Expert

32.  Dr. Titiek Setyawati, MSc.

33.  Ir. Atok Subiyakto,MSc.

34.  Dr.Maman Turjaman, DEA.

35.  Ir. Watty Karyati (Perencana Madya, Ditjen Planologi Kehutanan dan Tata Lingkungan)

36.  Deden Djaenuddin, SSi.,MSi.


37.  National Project Coordinator FAO-FLR TCP/RAS/3512

38.  Staf administrasi (1 orang)

Displays, exhibitions and Contest

Through display, exhibition and mass communication, to expect a process of disseminating messages Forest Landscape Restoration to a large number of audiences through some forms of technology at a time, that are the means of public communication reaching to the large, scattered, heterogeneous and anonymous audience at the same time. These are also expected to prove a boon to Forest society. There are the powerful means that do not only influence today’s world but also shape the globe of tomorrow on Forest Landscape purposes. Organizer Committee will invite all partners to be involved in this exhibitions and media corner.

Photography and short movie contest have a positive impact to enhance awareness of youth community on forest landscape restoration. The photography and short movie contest theme is “FLR-Leveraging Ecological Function and Enhancing Livelihoods”. The contest participant was from University Student in West Sumatera.